Saturday, May 29, 2010

Direct Proof that Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity is Wrong

Einstein's special theory of relativity can be proven wrong by doing thought experiments which are more general than the thought experiments done by Einstein. Interpretation of time dilation and energy mass equivalence equation (energy=mass*square of the speed of light) which were based on special theory of relativity can be proven wrong. It can also be shown that Lorentz transformations are wrong and wrongly derived/assumed. To know how, the link is provided below. Here note that the assumption in special theory of relativity that speed of light is same in all reference frames regardless of their speeds is a wrong assumption. The proof which proves that this is a wrong assumption is given above in the link named 'Possible Explanation of Failure of Michelson-Morley Experiment to Detect Absolute Reference Frame'. Further derivation done in special theory of relativity using the wrong assumption is also wrong. Even if we accept the wrong assumption that the speed of light is same in all reference frames regardless of their speeds as true assumption (which should not be done because actually the speed of light can be different in different reference frames), the further derivation based on it in special theory of relativity is also wrong and full of errors. In short, even if we accept the wrong assumption (which should not be done), there are errors in further analysis and derivation of special theory of relativity. Also note that we have assumed the wrong assumption in the content given on the link given just below only to show that further analysis and derivation based on it (the wrong assumption) in special theory of relativity is also wrong and full of errors. It just shows that the way in which interpretation of time dilation, derivation of energy mass equivalence and derivation of Lorentz transformation were carried out in special theory of relativity is simply wrong and inappropriate.

Note that the content given on the link just above only proves that the method of derivation was wrong in special theory of relativity. Therefore the content given on the link just above should be used only for the purpose of showing the method of derivation in special theory of relativity wrong. Because the content given on the link just above contains wrong assumption made in special theory of relativity. It only shows that further derivation done using the wrong assumption in special theory of relativity contains errors and mistakes apart from the mistake of assuming the wrong assumption.

To see the proof that energy mass equivalence equation (E=mc2) is not valid as a general equation, you can open the link given just below. The proof is based on simple calculus.

Here it should be noted that the proof given on the link shown just above of this paragraph needs to be evaluated and examined critically and it should be accepted only after critical evaluation or examination by experts.

Finally you can open the link given just below which contains final rebuttal of energy mass equivalence.

You will be able to view the files more clearly if you download the files and open them using Adobe Reader.

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