Sunday, May 30, 2010

Consequences of Special Theory of Relativity Being Proven Wrong

Possible consequences of special theory of relativity being proven wrong can be:
  1. Mass-energy equivalence is lost.
  2. Some part of theoretical physics (modern physics, nuclear physics etc.) may need to be repaired and constructed again.
One possible method to construct and repair it again is to propose hypothesis in such a way that it explains the physics behind the phenomena occurring in the physical world. One such new hypothesis proposes to treat mass and energy as two different physical quantities. Mass resists change while energy induces change (except when it is binding energy), although mass can store energy.

Another new hypothesis is the hypothesis of antigravity which proposes that energy repels energy. You can read more about the hypothesis of antigravity on the link provided just below:

The content provided on the link given just above also tries to explain certain physical phenomena occurring in the physical world and tries to construct and repair some part of theoretical physics, modern physics etc. The content given on above link also introduces the concept of existence of absolute reference frame which can help in explaining occurrence of many physical phenomena.

Special theory of relativity denied existence of absolute reference frame. Concept of nonexistence of absolute reference frame was a base from which special theory of relativity was constructed. But, the content provided on the link above shows that absolute reference frame can exist but finding the absolute reference frame is difficult. We cannot prove that absolute reference frame does not exist just because we experience difficulty in finding absolute reference frame. Hence the content predicts existence of absolute reference frame and indirectly exposes the wrongness and inappropriateness of special theory of relativity and reveals the lack of proper base in special theory of relativity. If you want to prove special theory of relativity right, you must prove first that absolute reference frame does not exist. If you find the existence of absolute reference frame or a physical phenomenon which indirectly suggests the existence of absolute reference frame, special theory of relativity is proved wrong. Therefore, the content given on the link above indirectly tries to prove special theory of relativity wrong and support/verify the fact that there exists wrongness in special theory of relativity. For direct proof that there exists wrongness in special theory of relativity, you can visit the post that was posted earlier before this post in this blog. You will find that post at the bottom of this page (blog).

For more explanations or clarifications on some concepts such as time and Maxwell's equations, you can open the following links:

I hope that above links will be useful in constructing new physics and repairing old physics.

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Your suggestions and feedback will be used to improve the quality of the material and construction of new physics.

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Thank You

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